St. Augustine Celebrates 450th Anniversary 1565 -2015

Enjoy the St Augustine 450 celebrations. My paintings will be exhibiting on Aviles Street in the contemporary Plum Gallery host to a selection of talented artists – the street will have a great atmosphere as some of the free concerts part of the Street and Music Festival portion of the commemoration is scheduled for Friday-Sunday, Sept. 4-6, 2015. Enjoy the sights and rhythms! ‪#‎art‬ ‪#‎music‬ #staug450

For more information, visit

More than 80 separate acts will serve up more than 60 hours of entertainment over three days

In a collaborative effort, the city has worked closely with the St. Johns County Cultural Events Division, a 450th Commemoration Alliance Partner and operator of the St. Augustine Amphitheatre and the Ponte Vedra Concert Hall, to secure entertainment and provide logistical support for the festival.

The result is more than 60 hours of free entertainment scattered over five stages throughout the historic center of St. Augustine’s downtown that will serve up a wide variety of entertainment and cultural programming that will have something for everyone.

Fine Art by CJK at Plum Art Gallery, Avile Street. St Augustine.
Plum Art Gallery – exhibiting landscape paintings by CJK #staug450
Plum Art Gallery - exhibiting landscape paintings by CJK
Plum Art Gallery – exhibiting landscape paintings by CJK