Fresh & Elegant, Still Life Oil Paintings
Fresh & Elegant, Still Life Oil Paintings

Still Life Floral Oil Paintings
Custom Floral works of art have been created by Claire J Kendrick for clients. These works are chosen sometimes for sentimental reasons, collectors often select favorite blooms or flowers associated with a memory, event or maybe even a love of gardening. Sometimes nature just adds that moment of beauty, calm and elegance to a room. Claire captures a likeness to the subject as she always works from real floral arrangements, her painterly abstract style brings a fresh contemporary energy to what is conventionally a subject handled in a tight realist style. There is nothing conventional about these works of art, drips and and paint runs are sometimes evident. Underpainting and mark making obvious in the texture and surface of the thick luscious oil paint. These are truly one of a kind works of art in a unique recognizable voice.

Attracting a local and international following, Claire is dedicated to perusing her painting career, and has studied with Contemporary American Painters, notably Cynthia Packard and Anne Packard.
Anne and Cynthia taught me that “the struggle” is a natural part of the process for a painter. They also taught me about stamina, discipline and fearlessness……the importance of bringing emotion, depth and passion into your work……….and that every brush mark helps define your creative style and helps you find your voice as an artist.
Clients in a Corporate Setting.

Still Life painting by Claire, seen on Global News, Canada. Christopher Thomas who was the main focus, a fellow with the Bipartisan Policy Center in DC, with a focus on the national election.
Are you zoom ready for the next interview or important meeting? Don’t underestimate the importance of good taste in fine art especially while talking politics! #zoommeeting #election2020 #confrencecalls #interview #globalnews #canada #fineart #christopherthomas #washington #DC
Fine Art showcased in client meeting room at the office of Denise Hagan, CFP®, CLU®, ChFC®, RHU® Wealth Management Advisor Northwestern Mutual. Denise empowers women to make better decisions with their money so they reach their financial goals. Her clients come away feeling confident. They feel secure about their finances and are freed up to follow their heart. They find the process easy, calming, and extremely meaningful, which has a huge impact on their lives. She gravitated to these orchids blooms as they reflect her love of gardening. I think they also reflect her feminine energy in a male-dominated field. Denise has been able to shine by being better able to relate to her female clients so that she can build those to lasting relationships.

Private Clients had this custom size painting, made to measure for above the master fourposter bed. Favorite peony rose bouquet, requested.
Open Heart 48×48 Oil Painting was selected for the Public Reception in a Private Hospital, Jacksonville, Florida. #corporateart #artinhealthcare #art #hospitalexhibition #healthcareartmarket #artandhealing #healingpowerofart

Oil Painting by Claire J Kendrick just seen in this interview with Julie Sinnamon, CEO of Enterprise Ireland.
Julie Sinnamon, CEO of Enterprise Ireland discusses the past, present and future of the start-up economy in Ireland, as well as her own leadership of the State agency, with Future Human founder Ann O’Dea. Join over 3,000 visionary attendees from 52 countries plus leading minds from Life, Science and Tech, vibrantly mining the future of Robotics & AI, Urban Landscapes, Security & business, Life Science, Workplaces and our Planet. Future Human is the most inclusive and forward-looking event the world has ever seen. The world’s first major Hybrid tech event in Dublin, Online, The World! 29-30 October 2020.
A selection of clients who have supported the work of Claire J Kendrick. Irish/American, Artist based in St Augustine Florida.