Summer Sizzle
Summer Sizzle
How do I forget each year how hot it gets in Florida…..! I mean every year, its a surprise! One would think that after 16 years of living in the USA that I would by now have found a retreat in the Northern Sates to “Summer”. I am still working on this pipe dream and anyone with a little cottage by the sea who can help ….do get in touch. Alas my creative brain thinks of this every year and somehow the logistics of it, escape me. LOL
The inspiration and the sun dazzle from any shiny surface keeps our spirits alive and the clinking of ice keeps us hydrated, for soon enough, we shall switch linen for cashmere and declare its winter! Before we do we must note those mountainous white clouds on the horizon. The acid stripes of green across the marsh. The azure blues kissing soft buttery tan tones! Oh how marvelous! What a tragedy it would be to miss these scenes.
Sketching outdoors is enough to bring on heatstroke and third degree burns but we adapt and change and like ninjas take notes at lightening speed and on a small scale to remember. Just a mental note will do, as it will inspire me in the studio.
I have some wonderful small sketches which always inform the larger works for the season ahead. New works of art will be ready October…..When the wise folks from the North, “Winter” with us in the South and return again!