Still Life Painting, “Bells of Ireland”
Still Life Painting, “Bells of Ireland”
From my home to yours, “Bells of Ireland” | 30×48 | oil on canvas | 2014. NFS. This painting is in my personal collection, it’s a milestone piece. It’s good to reflect on these paintings from time to time. They are the ‘keepers’ they mark a period of growth or something unexplained that I’d been striving for in my work.
Often as a working artist, its a feeling of luxury to decide to keep a painting. You live with works of art until its time to send them to a gallery. Works I love, seem to sell easily, quickly in a day or a week sometimes. Often works take longer to find the right person a year or two…or longer! A collector may appreciate the voice, the essence of a painting, others find their way back to the studio before being introduced to a new gallery and area. It’s like dating – but for paintings. One never really knows what draws the collector and the painting together, its their private desire, love affair.
It sometimes matters to collectors the career of the artist. A collector may be interested in a new body of work, if you have done a residency or have traveled. A collectors may have been introduced to your your work by a gallery and likes your work so much they commission a work of art. This is a great compliment. Some don’t care to know your name and the painting is a good fit with the decor!
So the volatile, fickle world of art will always keep us guessing and waiting for a sale. This time I fear artists may wait for longer than we wish, for markets to recover. However if you follow my work its important to know the work matters to me and will continue…because there is rarely a feeling of having the luxury to rest on ones laurels, in this game. The love affair and great desire to say something with the work continues for as long as I can buy paint!
The joy and importance of having art in one’s life is clear… it’s wonderful when clients send photos of art they’ve purchased for their home, exclaiming how much it meant to them and how they loved having it, especially during these trying times.
There’s no sugarcoating this…. There are rocky times ahead. My thanks to the professional gallery’s who represent my work.
TEL (904) 624 7255
TEL (239) 403 7787
(904) 825 0069
Art inspires, awes, entertains, intrigues and delights. Enjoy viewing works at these online gallerys.
Thank you to all my collectors.
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