
Artist in Residence Program – Dune Shack, Cape Cod National Seashore
The Provincetown Community Compact, Inc. (The Compact) have awarded me a residency at the C-Scape Dune Shack located in Cape Cod. MA. Crossing the Dunes | 30×40 | Oil on Canvas | C.J. Kendrick C-Scape Dune Shack C-Scape is one of 19 shacks located within the Peaked Hill Bars National Register Historic District. The primitive nature of the structure—no electricity, indoor plumbing, or telephone—and its physical isolation allows for uninterrupted solitude and refuge. The dwelling is a 1 1/2 story,
Don’t Say Too Much..!
When most people think about painting or drawing, the first thing that comes to mind is the representational work of the Old Masters the detailed drawings of Michelangelo or Da Vinci. Expressive painting, by contrast, comes from breaking the rules and the traditional limitations of classical teaching and exploring freer, more intimate and intuitive forms of expression. What is similar is that the painting starts with strong composition but in contrast rather than planning or drawing the subject the early
America votes
Underwater Love| 20″ x 20″ | Claire J Kendrick By this evening we will know who the next American President will be! As America stands on the fiscal cliff, galleries and artists this side of the pond have been affected by the downturn in the market. It takes nerves of steel to hold out to improve your work and craft as a painter and not chase down the dollar, painting for the market. Walking the fine line between feast and