Figure Paintings Available at Modern Villa Gallery, OR
Confused | Risque | Looking Up | 12×12 each Available at Modern Villa Gallery, OR “The dialogue is something I strive for–what is spoken and what is left unspoken–it’s the tension and energy between the painting and the private dialogue–the interpretation of the viewer(s)–their need to fill in the gaps.Body language is the unspoken dialogue.” Claire paints landscape, still life and figurative paintings. Originally from Ireland, she worked in the fashion industry in Europe before she relocated to Florida in
New Painting in the Figure Series
12″ x 12″ | Looking Up | Oil | CJK If you are interested in Figure Drawing or Painting consider attending – One Day Figure Workshop at St Augustine Art Association. It’s an open studio session, no tuition.Live Model SessionIntermediate / Advanced artist’s Date: Monday August 19th, 2013 Cost: $35 Time: 10.30am – 4.00pm Lunch Break (12.30 – 1.30) The model ( Rebecca ) will be in a sitting / lying position with backdrop and props offering textural and color
Patchwork thoughts!
“Patchwork thoughts” | 5″ x 7″ | Oil | CJK Our faces sometimes tell a thousand words – In a recent portrait session, I painted some interesting studies, fashion edgy, buxom attitude, — they are reaching for an attitude more than a likeness. This painting seemed so thoughtful. Much of what we bring to a painting is our own experience it’s our feeling and also the energy of the model. We are all giving off energy vibrations — sitting still
Body Art
12″ x 12″ | Mixed Media | SOLD Figure Painting by Claire J Kendrick, done at the Monday Night STAA Figure Drawing Class.
Hard Edge – Figure Painting
Hard Edge | 8″x 8″ | Mixed Media
Female Forms
Capturing the curve of the human body with these oil study’s…… and this quote springs to mind. “One should not pursue goals that are easily achieved. One must develop an instinct for what one can just barley achieve through one’s greatest efforts.” Albert Einstein
Body Works
Shadow Side|5″ x 7″ |Oil Painting on Board |CJK I have this quote on my studio wall – “There is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one of you in all time, this expression is unique. And if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium and will be lost.” The world will not have it. It is not your business to
Reclining Red
Figure Painting with detail photograph showing paint applied with palette knife.