Gestural Drawings
which is most concerned with the essence of the pose, and an economy of means in its representation, rather than a careful study of modeling of light on the form. You’re letting the pencil roam freely and quickly in order to capture the model’s movement For some artists, there is a calisthenic logic: just as an athlete warms up before exercising or participating in sports, artists use gesture drawing to prepare themselves mentally and physically for a figure drawing session. The fast
Remembering to focus on the acts of kindness, rather than the acts of terror.
Lean on me | 8″ x 6″ | Oil | CJK In the course of the recent tragedy in Boston, I was struck by the story of a young girl helped from the blast. She later appealed to the stranger, a young man to come forward so she could thank him personally from her hospital bed. As I was going about my daily life sorting some recent paintings, Lean on Me, from the classic Bill Withers song crossed my mind
Patchwork thoughts!
“Patchwork thoughts” | 5″ x 7″ | Oil | CJK Our faces sometimes tell a thousand words – In a recent portrait session, I painted some interesting studies, fashion edgy, buxom attitude, — they are reaching for an attitude more than a likeness. This painting seemed so thoughtful. Much of what we bring to a painting is our own experience it’s our feeling and also the energy of the model. We are all giving off energy vibrations — sitting still
Oil Figure Sketches
“Corners of my Mind” 8″ x10″ | Oil Sketch | CJK These oil sketches were quick fire sketches – done with the kind of abandon one should shoot for especially when working with a model and under a time pressure. Don’t think too hard, just paint, and respond with intent, be alert. Unfortunately I got wrapped up in a larger canvas and longer pose, it lost the energy the spontaneity it became overworked, it’s a wiper now painted
8″ x 10″ | Mixed Media Painting by CJK using one model, in series of poses for a dynamic composition.
Body Art
12″ x 12″ | Mixed Media | SOLD Figure Painting by Claire J Kendrick, done at the Monday Night STAA Figure Drawing Class.
Painting Themes
Aqua Nude| 18″ x 24″ | Oil I will often explore a pose over and over, finding something different each time. When painting the same subject several times; often I change the scale of canvas, lighting or proportion. Painting in themes allows me to explore a subject deeply. If you would like to follow the studio sessions, consider signing up for my newsletter.
Hard Edge – Figure Painting
Hard Edge | 8″x 8″ | Mixed Media
Beautiful – Figure Painting
Beautiful | 8″x 10″| Oil This painting captures the figure in a fragile feminine way. Look for the shadow – seeming almost masculine and willing to hold hands or take the reins! Add your comments –